Financial Viability Assessments

Financial Viability Assessments protect the Developer by ensuring that the development is viable and deliverable. Also assessed, is whether contributions to affordable housing, Section 106 and CIL can be realised from the development.

Our Financial viability risk assessment process is tailored to your specific development, whilst being viewed within a context of the latest evidence and best-practices in terms of residential and supporting commercial values, particularly with regards to the establishment and provision of accurate affordable housing values.

Our Financial Viability assessments are performed by Chartered Quantity Surveyors with a combined 50 years’ experience on behalf of both private and public sector clients seeking to challenge or maintain the latest affordable housing policy levels.

Construction of a new airport infrastructure in cumbria

Whilst our experience spans many industries, we have especially deep, industry-specific experience and knowledge in the following key verticals:

  • Residential Care Homes
  • Defense & Nuclear
  • Industrial Manufacturing
  • Large-scale Residential

This experience enables us to hit the ground running and start delivering value from day one.

Our Financial Viability Risk Assessment services:

  • Scheme appraisals based on current construction cost data and third party information on indicative sales values, from local agents
  • Extensive comparable research to ensure that our client’s submissions are robust, informing the preparation of financial viability assessments, including the benchmarking of Land
  • Values and associated negotiations on behalf of the Developer
  • Local planning authority FVA reviews
  • Providing expert advice for planning appeals;
  • Liaising with solicitors in relation to review mechanisms; and Sensitivity testing and analysis.
  • Review of any Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charges and indexation

Financial Viability Assessments and the topic of Financial Viability in Development, have become increasingly complex over the years. With the RICS recently publishing a professional standard on the topic, replacing their previous guidance note, it is clear that the ‘central role played by Chartered surveyors assessing viability in the planning system, particularly in negotiating planning obligations in planning applications’, has never been more pivotal to your Development’s success.

Our team of Quantity Surveyors specialise in the preparation of financial viability assessments to support planning applications and Local Plans, as well as the review of assessments to determine the level of affordable housing. Our client list extends to the likes of Kimberly Clark and BAE Systems, and with a client repeat business rate exceeding 95%, your Development’s Financial Viability is in good hands with us.

Please contact us today to discuss your project requirements.

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